

Sunday, April 15, 2012

American Apple and Apricot Cake

Well, hello – it’s been a while since we have been baking.  There have been lots of things happening in our little household, well a lot for us anyway. 

 Firstly, I am so pleased to say that at long last I have a mixer, it arrived on Friday and I wasn’t home.  The lovely driver said or rather I think he said, I could call the office and they would deliver some time next week – I was far too excited for that and I persuaded the nice English speaking lady to let me collect it and now my beautiful shiny new Kitchen Aid has arrived to its new home – it’s a little sad, but I keep popping into the kitchen and smiling, it just makes me feel happy plus I just love the colour.  Charlie is completely in love with the machine and strokes it lovingly, I feel like Im turning into that horrible character in Lord of the Rings who has the ring and calls it his precious – I must share the Kitchen Aid I know but…….

 Anyway back to the cake its American Apple and Apricot Cake this week.  I position myself on my kitchen chair with Mary’s Baking Bible in front of me and begin directing Charlie.  She is confident and chatty today and informs me she is getting “really good at this” Im a little concerned that I might have to not only grease the tin, but also her head to get it out of the kitchen – harsh I know, but come on, were only on page 50 and there are 385 in the book – I think we have a little way to go yet.

This is an All in One recipe – hoorah Mary at last we can do that! So all the dry ingredients go into the mixer and then she melts the butter in the microwave then adds that.  The Apples and Apricots are added once everything else is mixed together.  The batter is quite thick and sticky, but transfers easily into Charlottes new deep 8 inch tin.  The recipe says that it will take 1 – 11/2 hours to bake.  It was only afterwards that I realised that I forgot to sprinkle the sliced almonds on the top before it was baked.

 The house smelt incredible!

It only took just an hour to cook, this is a lesson we are learning quickly - either my oven is hotter than it says it is or Mary’s oven needs a service! 

The recipe says that this cake is good with coffee or as a dessert and its best served warm – so warm it was after dinner and it was …… wonderful.  The almond cake is delicious plus the apples keep it moist and the apricots give it little sweet accents.  I think that if I had remembered the almonds then they would of given a nice crunch on the top but unfortunately we didn’t.  –Everyone enjoyed it, I even broke my diet and tried a bit – Im so pleased I did.

Its Coffee and Walnut cake next week – I guess Harry will be receiving another cake!